State of the Art – April 2018

Welcome to State Of The Art, April 2018 edition! This monthly progress report is written by Frank DiCola and is focused entirely on how the game’s visuals have improved in the past month.

Missed last month’s State of the Art? The March edition is right here.

Also, don’t be fooled by our last blog post. The “Easter edition” of our blog was actually just the Where Shadows Slumber April Fool’s gag for the year. We hope it gave you a few laughs! Don’t worry, we aren’t adding any of that stuff to the game.


Sorry Caroline – no skins!

We all had fun making that, but now it’s back to work. Here’s the State of the Art!



SPOILER WARNING: This post contains screenshots, GIFs and videos of later sections of the game. If you want to experience them in all their majesty for the first time on your mobile device when the game launches, don’t read on!





Mustard River

The infamous “mustard river” is now complete! These Levels used to be in real rough shape, but now I love the way our ashen rocks contrast with the yellow of the water. This World is home to Walkers, a mechanic we introduce in the first River Level. I won’t drone on too long, because I think these GIFs speak for themselves. Enjoy!


Level 2-1, “Docks”


Level 2-2, “Cage”


Level 2-3, “Guide”


Level 2-4, “Ebb”


Level 2-5, “Ferry”

There are new Walkers, too! For a long time, the denizens of the River were weird copies of Obe in scraggly shorts. As you may have noticed from the GIFs above, I gave them a bit more unique personal features, such as different hats or clothing. Overall, they probably still look too much like generic video game zombies. Regardless, I hope people will realize as they play the game that these Walkers are to be pitied, not feared.



Check Out Our Snazzy Level Select Menu

I’m really proud of the Level Select menu that Jack and I have been working on together. Rather than just do a few buttons with numbers on them, we really went all out to create a beautiful experience that takes you through the story of the game as you choose what Level you’d like to play. Check them out in action!


When the full game is done, this menu will be the best place to track your progress. How many Levels have you completed? How many are left? Which ones would you like to return to, to show your friends? During gameplay however, the Player won’t be directed here too often, since Levels flow directly from one into the other.





Polish: The Home Stretch

I have begun the process of finishing the game’s final 15 Levels. These puzzles have been finished for a while, and they even have some “first draft” art. However, as I say all the time, my goal for each Level is to make it look like my favorite Level, and make the player say “oh wow, I love the look of this one.” That’s a delicate process that takes a lot of time – many, many hours spent per Level!



So right now I have just one of the final 15 to show you today, and you can see it above. This is in World 5, The Hills, and it’s called Cemetery. It features tombstones that turn into ghosts when you cover them in shadow. The theme of the World is putting these spirits to rest in their graves.

This Level is nearly complete – there are two tiny touches I’m dying to put in. First, I want to give that Draggable pillar a bit more personality. Right now it’s just a green hyperrectangle (Jack taught me that’s what a 3D rectangle is) but it should feel like it belongs more. Second, I want to add animated blades of grass that bounce and bob along with the rhythm of the falling rain. Personally, I think making convincing rain is more about the effect the raindrops have on the ground rather than seeing actual particles in midair. When it rains in real life, what’s easier to see: the rain in midair as it falls to Earth, or the water collecting in puddles on the ground or forming little rivers? Observe the world around you next time there’s a storm. I’m right!

Anyway, those changes all take a lot of love so I’ll be poring over it more this week before I head off to PAX East!



Last But Not Least – The iPhone X!

I finally bit the bullet and purchased the iPhone X so we can test how the game works on its sleeker, thinner, taller (!) screen. The phone is beautiful and feels great, and you can see a proof of life photo above. Jack will probably have to do some programmer-fu to make the camera zoom out a bit on these phones, but that’s fine. I love playing on the iPhone X because of how smooth it is, so a little camera troubles are no problem at all!

That’s about it for this month’s art update. I wish I could have gotten a bit more done, but we had to attend SXSW earlier this month and I spent a lot of time preparing the art for that build. It was a great show, but travel always takes time away from being in the “flow” of creating artwork. Since I’ll be at PAX East this weekend, you can expect the same lame excuse next time!

We’re nearing the final days of working on Where Shadows Slumberwhich is a really weird thing to think about. I suppose we’ll still be doing a lot of post-launch stuff, but I’m not sure what I’ll do all day, every day once the game is done. Anyway, I know what I’ll be doing all day, every day in April… [ o_o] ART!

See you next month for another update!


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We hope you enjoyed this update about the game’s artwork. Have a question about aesthetics that wasn’t mentioned here? You can find out more about our game at, ask us on Twitter (@GameRevenant),, or Twitch, and feel free to email us directly at

Frank DiCola is the founder of Game Revenant and the artist for Where Shadows Slumber.

Big Changes Coming To The Game [April Fool’s Day!]

Just earlier this morning, Jack and I sent out some bare bones level from the final game. We wanted players to try them out and let us know about their design. Aesthetics aren’t important at the moment, which is why the levels look blocky and have no sound. Right now, we’re just trying to settle on the best design for the game’s first few levels. This is a critical period where players generally make up their mind about a game. Hero, or zero?

Well, Jack and I have been floored by the response we got! Almost the instant we sent out the levels, we received a tsunami of feedback. After a quick brainstorming session, we’ve mapped out our dazzling new plans for the game.



A New Way To Pay

The “premium” model is going the way of the do-do bird. People just aren’t buying it anymore, if you’ll excuse the pun. One of the biggest pieces of feedback we get constantly is to modernize our payment model to adapt to a changing marketplace.

We couldn’t agree more. That’s why we’re dropping the planned premium price of the final game all the way down to $0.00. That’s right — Where Shadows Slumber is going free-to-play!


Our new in-game currency, Gold, can be found on the ground during levels.

After downloading the game and completing the first few levels, you’ll notice our new in-game shop module that we’ve been working all morning on. A new currency has been added to the game called Gold. Gold can be found on the ground during levels, and you collect it by simply walking on it (see image above). Of course, it can also be purchased with real money (USD or regional equivalent) if you have a credit card associated with your App Store / Google Play account.


The Shop can be pulled up at any time during the game.

The main purpose of Gold is to buy Silver. Silver is mainly used to buy Gems. Gems are used to purchase Jade, which is the only currency in the game that can get you Card Packs. Card Packs, when opened, have a chance to give you Riot Points. Riot Points are important since they can be used to buy Rubies. Rubies are the main currency the game will be using from now on, as they are used to buy Energy.


Energy – Balancing Player Anxiety and Fun

But what is Energy, exactly? Energy is a new way to play that adds gritty realism to the game. It also adds an important anxiety-checkup cycle to the game that urges players to keep checking their phone habitually to succeed in Where Shadows Slumber.

In order to move a single space in the game’s grid-like path-finding system, you need to spend 3 Energy. When solving a puzzle, you need to ration out your Energy. Spend too much time walking, and you’ll run out of Energy for the day.


Never fear, however. Within 24 hours, your Energy bar will be refueled back up to 24, and you’ll be ready for another exciting few minutes of puzzle solving! If you’d like to speed up this process, you can buy Rubies in the Shop.


Challenge Your Friends In Multiplayer

The final piece of feedback we hear constantly is to add multiplayer to the game. We think this is a fantastic idea, so we’re proud to announce that the final game will allow you to solve puzzles with friends and strangers alike! Advances in technology have allowed us to create a real-time multiplayer solution that we hope everyone will enjoy.


Work with your friends to solve the puzzle, or trap them behind a veil of shadows forever! We hope multiplayer will expand the replayability of the game and the amount of money players invest. We’re also well aware of the criticism that this completely breaks everything about the game’s shadow mechanic, and we are working to remedy that.


We hope you enjoyed taking a look at our bold plans for the future. Our goal is to produce a game that appears free, but costs close to $1,000 to really enjoy. Due to these changes, we expect we’ll have to push the game’s release date back to the year 2020. We appreciate your understanding!


This post was last updated on April 1st, 2017.


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We hope you believed this satirical post! If you’d like the truth, starting tomorrow you can find out more about our game at, find us on Twitter (@GameRevenant), Facebook,, or Twitch, and feel free to email us directly with any questions or feedback at

Frank DiCola is a professional Grongus, and the artist for Mass Effect: Andromeda.